• Cáscara para hornear

Cáscara para hornear

Cáscara para hornear

$ 1,597.17

La estructura para hornear crea el entorno perfecto para hornear un excelente pan. Ligero y fácil de manejar, no requiere precalentamiento.

El calor pasa rápidamente a través de la cáscara y el vapor queda atrapado debajo de ella. Para obtener la combinación perfecta de una masa clásica que sube y una corteza crujiente y crujiente, levante la cáscara a la mitad del horneado.

Con la carcasa para hornear, obtienes los mismos resultados que los recipientes tradicionales de hierro fundido pesados ​​y precalentados, sin el estrés de cargar con una olla pesada y abrasadora. La parte más frenética de hornear pan ahora es la más fácil. Simplemente deslice la masa de pan sobre cualquier superficie plana para hornear de su horno y coloque la cáscara sobre ella.

- Hecho de aluminio
- Dimensiones: 12,5 x 8 x 5,5 pulgadas / 35,5 x 20 x 14 cm
- Peso: 1 libra 2 oz / 520 g

Great Bread without the Hassle. Brod & Taylor Baking Shell
Great Bread without the Hassle. Brod & Taylor Baking Shell
Placing the baking shell over the bread dough in the oven

Turning Tradition on Its Head

With the Baking Shell, you get the same results as traditional pre-heated and heavy cast iron vessels, without the stress of lugging around a searing hot and heavy pot. The most frantic part of bread baking is now the easiest. Just slide the bread dough onto any flat baking surface in your oven and place the shell over it.

Ideal Baking Conditions

The Baking Shell creates the perfect environment for baking great bread. Lightweight and easy to handle, it requires no preheating. Heat quickly passes through the shell while it also traps steam - the perfect combination for the classic sourdough rise and a crackling crispy crust.

The lightweight Baking Shell transmits heat quickly while still trapping steam.

"Once you use the Baking Shell, it's pretty hard to go back to any other method."

Maurizio Leo, The Perfect Loaf

Read Introducing: Baking Sourdough Bread With The Baking Shell by Maurizio
Two baking shells, batard and boule,  on the counter, accompanied by loaves of bread.